
The Creator

Watch the clouds and the sky
Watch the eagles slowly fly
And observe the stars at night
And the mountains lit by light
Watch the sun forever shine
And in all you’ll see the sign
Of His power and force
He had set life into cores
He had made us from one soul
Every creature plays a role
In the nature, in the world
And The Destiny so curled
Is created by His will
Bow down, feel the thrill
Take his will deep into you
Thus you’ll see yourself go through
The creations and the charm
Which will never make a harm
Sink in love and chase the ghosts
Saved by Him from spirit frosts

@темы: религия, Жизненное, Стихи, Чувства

11.06.2009 в 19:22

кот господень
вау)) очень здорово))
11.06.2009 в 19:34

Thank you)